Saturday 18 May 2013



         The Dada or Dadaism was not exactly an art movement but more like of an artistic and bookish movement born in Europe during World War I. The Dadaists were a group of artists, academics and writers who rebelled against the European society of that time for allowing the war to happen so they used their own areas of expertise to rebel in their own ways against the war. 

   The Dada style was based on ‘’Shock Art’’ which contained humor, vulgarities, puns and everyday objects. At these artworks, the public were shocked and disgusted. This made the Dadaists happy because their objectives were being reached. The artist which left a great impression on this movement was Marcel Duchamp by painting a mustache on the Mona Lisa and scribbled some vulgarities on the art work. 

Dada - Art History Basics on the Dada Movement - 1916-1923. 2013. Dada - Art History Basics on the Dada Movement - 1916-1923. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2013].

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