Saturday 18 May 2013

Celtic Art: Insulars

Celtic Art: Insulars

      One of the earliest art of Ireland was influenced by the Celtic culture. Known as Insular art it was a highly decorative art with spirals, knot work, key patterns, crosses and zoomorphic imagery. One of the greatest examples of metalwork during the Christian era of Insular art is the Tara Brooch. This decorative pin dates from the eighth century and is made from silver, gold and copper filigree with an inlay of amber and glass beads. Created for a wealthy man, the design idea on front and back is composed with wolves heads and dragons faces. Named after the legendary Hillof Tara, seat of the High Kings of Ireland at that time, it was actually found in County Meath, Ireland during the mid-nineteenth century. Now it is displayed in the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin. Also in Dublin there is  the illuminated famous manuscript called “The Book of Kells” at Old Library at Trinity College.

        The masterpiece was produced at the beginning of the ninth century either in a monastery on the Isle of Iona, Scotland or at Kells in County Meath by Celtic monks transcribing the Four Gospels. The ornamental calligraphic script was written on vellum by several artists who used ten different rare and expensive dyes to render the intricate illustrations. Most famous and beautiful of the books pages is the Chi Ro page which made a lot of people think that the manuscript was the work of angels. Despite their artistic accomplishments the ancient Celts were often depicted as barbaric tribes as in the engraving by Flemish artist Lucas de Heere (1534 – 1584).

Porcelains and Peacocks: Spirals and Knots: Celtic Insular Art in Ireland. 2013. Porcelains and Peacocks: Spirals and Knots: Celtic Insular Art in Ireland. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2013].

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